Paul Drummond

I began playing drums 19 years ago in my parents’ garage on a kit my dad bought me for Christmas from Costco. I knew learning drums would take time and dedication so the three words that ran circles in my head were discipline, structure, and repetition. Drumming allowed me to grow and better understand things about myself, especially my ability to overcome adversity.

When I was in school, I felt behind in most academic subjects; school was a constant struggle and seemed impossible to succeed at. As I continued to practice the drums and improve my skills, I learned how to become disciplined, productive, and driven. Drumming became for me a way of life rather than a hobby. Now I want to teach anyone interested in discovering something new about themselves. My favorite style of drumming is heavy metal but I love teaching all styles.

I’ve played in local bands such as Harvest the Infection, Civilruin, and Gladius Sky and currently play in West of Hell.


Lessons are $70 per hour.

My son and his friend LOVE going to class every week and really want to show their teacher that they are learning.

Through a series of musical games, they wrote lyrics, composed a song, played and recorded it. So much fun!

It takes away all the boredom and fear that comes with old-school piano lessons and turns learning music into a real joy.

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